Intuitive leaders in 8th grade

An 8th grade girl I know had the following conversation with her mom: Daughter: “I think now that I’m going into high school next year, there might be enough kids in the church youth group for them to start having a separate group for the high schoolers. They could...

The intuitive solution

Sometimes you’ve been working through the discernment process, listening to God and trying to get a clear picture of what he is asking you to do. And then God prophetically gives you the answer. It didn’t flow out of the rational process– it was a quantum leap...

The secret sauce

When you’re field testing something new, and it seems to be working effectively, the next thing you need to do is hand it over to someone else to let them do it without your involvement and see if it still works. I’ve done this on a number of occasions only to find...

The challenge of the intuitive leader

I was recently doing a consultation with a group that was working on their leadership development process. One of the key people there was a strong intuitive leader. When it came time for him to verbally express what he was doing in this area, it became apparent that...

The intuitive leader

Over many years of working with leaders, I’ve found that the more intuitive a leader is the more difficult it is for them to replicate themselves. They just intuitively know what do to and aren’t able to explain or articulate it to others; it feels mysterious to them...