Don’t make them sit on the board

  Boards are important– I know that. But consider giftedness when you’re looking at where to plug people into leadership. There are almost certainly some people in your congregation or ministry who would love to get involved in local outreach ministries...

Alignment with how God has made you

Yesterday I wrote about how you need to be spending at least 60% of your time in areas of strength and passion. But what if you’re not sure exactly what those areas are? I believe that every five years or so, we need to spend some time reflecting on how God has made...

Teacher: Who you are is how you plant

There’s more than one way to plant a church, and a lot of that is determined by the giftedness and calling of the leader. This week we’ll be looking at the five different types of church leaders—Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher—and what each of them...

Shepherd: Who you are is how you plant

There’s more than one way to plant a church, and a lot of that is determined by the giftedness and calling of the leader. This week we’ll be looking at the five different types of church leaders—Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher—and what each of them...

Evangelist: Who you are is how you plant

There’s more than one way to plant a church, and a lot of that is determined by the giftedness and calling of the leader. This week we’ll be looking at the five different types of church leaders—Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher—and what each of them...

Prophet: Who you are is how you plant

There’s more than one way to plant a church, and a lot of that is determined by the giftedness and calling of the leader. This week we’ll be looking at the five different types of church leaders—Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher—and what each of them...

Apostle: Who you are is how you plant

There’s more than one way to plant a church, and a lot of that is determined by the giftedness and calling of the leader. This week we’ll be looking at the five different types of church leaders—Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher—and what each of them...