If you are like most of us leading ministry organizations, you are budgeting by faith for 2021. Illnesses, job losses, and the disconnection due to not gathering have all had negative impact on giving and have increased uncertainty about the future. You may have had...
While working full-time, Tony Bleything gathered a strong core of 70 people. He proved himself a capable missionary, gatherer and leader. At the point when he hit 70 people, he realized he could no longer function effectively in a bivocational capacity, but the...
We need to start thinking about funding missional activity in new ways. I’ve already talked about how bivocational missions activity is going to be come more and more the future of the church, in part because the way we’ve traditionally funded...
There’s not enough money in the world to keep doing church the way we’ve been doing it. If you calculate the unchurched population, then you calculate how many more churches are needed and what each church would cost, there literally is not enough money in the world...