Being right vs. being effective

I ran across this great post recently from coach Scott Eblin: Five questions for leaders who would rather be effective than right. He makes a great point about the tension we sometimes feel when we’re trying to advance an agenda. We most often want to get credit for...

When it’s okay to fire the client

Almost always my time coaching people is a wonderful experience where they gain insight, address challenges, experience breakthroughs, and take positive steps toward their vision. But there are times when we just don’t seem to get traction. When those kinds of...

Do what increases sustainability

  Most days, we’re trying to get stuff done. But in getting stuff done, we have a choice. We can just get something off of our list or we can be selective. Which of the things on my list– if done– will make the rest of my work easier or more...

Who gets the marker?

Part of a series inspired by Peter Drucker, an important mentor of mine Consider the meetings you have in your church or ministry. Which of them have a clear purpose? Which of them are you having just to have? What can you do to improve the quality of your meetings?...