Following the Spirit

So much in life doesn’t go according to plan. No matter how responsible I am or how well I plan—things still get away from me sometimes, reminding me of the necessity of relying on the Holy Spirit. Regularly I try to step back from my ministry to ask, “Where is God...

Structures vs. Mission

Fifteen years ago I was speaking in Australia on what it means to live missionally. One person raised his hand and said, “Our church structures don’t allow us to do what you’re talking about.” I responded, “If your church structures keep you from following what Jesus...

Where would Jesus hang out?

Here’s my challenge to you today:  Go ask a random person on the street, “If Jesus were here today, what would he be doing?”  If you’re brave, you can come back and post the responses you get here on this blog. Here’s my prediction:  not one person will say that Jesus...

What is church?

What is church? How do you define it? How do you know when you see it? Which of these is church? A house? A big traditional building? A coffee shop? A street?