One of my favorite mottos from many years ago is this:  start small, go deep, think big. I’ve found over time that this approach leads to quality multiplication. Too often we want to start big before something has been field-tested. Or we want to skip over the going deep part. But taking this approach of “start small, go deep, think big” gives you a chance to test out an approach and make the necessary corrections and tweaks before multiplying it. That may slow down your starting time out of the gate, but it leads to multiplication with a much higher degree of quality.

Start small: Do pilot projects, try ideas out, and don’t worry if you fail. You’re starting small so the risk is minimal.  Starting small creates a safe place to experiment and fail so you can learn from those experiences.

Go deep: As things begin to work in the experimental phase, you can delve deeper into what is bearing fruit. Take it to the next level, examine the roots, discern the core principles that are at work. How could this idea become reproducible?

Think big:  When you have something that’s proven and field-tested, now you can think big.  How can you roll this concept out in an organic way with apprenticing?  As you do that, it will spread and move forward, leading to quality multiplication.