You may remember that a while back I launched Journey Together Now, a new website for lay leaders. The site includes a “map” of the 9 foosteps of Jesus that people in discipling relationships can work through together on their spiritual journeys.

Now Journey Guides for each of the 9 footsteps of Jesus are available in the Logan Leadership store—you can purchase and print directly from your computer to resource people toward greater discipleship as they follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

Each of these journey guides include interactive activities and allow people to post their responses on the site. One woman has worked through one of the journey guides with someone she’s discipling, and below are some of her reflections, along with a song that she wrote in response:

“Just had a great connect with a friend and we are going to be walking through these steps together starting with Love God. I am thrilled. The funny thing is that as I read through this guide alone, my mind was engaged and active and it made lots of sense. Once in the context of community it was teaming with life. I could almost hear and feel God’s heartbeat. ”  — Lena

I ask for more of you
Long to hear your voice
You give all I can hold
Till my cup overflows

Your love fills my life
To live is to lay it down
Live your words out loud
Walk in surrender

My heart beats for you
Longs for your kingdom
To come and make new
All who will hear you

Let your heart beat be the rhythm of my feet