Lead into the Mission

*Cast vision
*Form a team
*Move forward together

Some missions are just too big to accomplish alone. If you sense God is calling you to lead a team of people toward the mission he’s given you, the next step is leadership. I have many fond memories of the pastoral retreats I used to take my church staff on once a month. They were times of journeying together, bonding, renewing our vision, and following the gifts and strengths of one another. A strong team resulted. Whether you’re leading a church staff, a neighborhood cleanup team, or a parenting group, the basic skills you’ll need are the same.

Leading into the mission is classic team leadership:  the ability to cast a vision, form a team, and move forward together. How to create that picture postcard of a clear vision. How to cast a vision for something worth pursuing. How to pursue and engage other people God might be calling to be part of your team. How to encourage people to confirm God’s call for their lives. How to build trust within the team.  Shared trust, shared values, good communication, affirmation, challenge, spurring each other on, coaching, dealing with the rough patches, changing tactics, not giving up on the essentials, taking time to reflect and celebrate, learning from experience, moving forward together.