In Jesus, we are a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come. We have crossed from darkness to light. These are the realities of our salvation in Christ. But how are we to live into that reality? The daily challenges of living out our faith feel more complicated. How do we transform now into Kingdom people in a pre-Kingdom world?

For anyone navigating the challenges of deep inner change and transformation in the real world, the new Personal Transformation discipleship guide is for you. Whether you work through it on your own or with others you trust, you can open yourself to God’s transforming work in your life.

The five-week study guide takes you through these areas:

  • Actively engaging with God in the examination of your heart
  • Cooperating with God’s healing work in your life
  • Processing feedback and input from others
  • Living out new priorities and changed behavior
  • Increasingly bearing the fruit of the Spirit

Each section includes thoughts on the topic, relevant scripture passages, practical ideas and exercises, coaching questions, and application. No homework required except living out the concepts.

Check out these sample sections:

Are we really changing? What does deep change look like? How do we know if we are experiencing it? Can we tell the difference between deep change and just going through the motions?

Without taking the time to reflect on ourselves and our experiences, we can be exposed to great teachings and be a part of amazing experiences, yet not be transformed in any deep or meaningful way on a personal level. When we hear scripture, we need to reflect on it. When we do ministry, we need to consider how it is going and what we could do differently. When we experience God, we need to consider how that can change and mature us.

  • James 1:22-25
  • Matthew 9:10-13

Discipleship questions:

  • Tell about a time in your life that you successfully changed a behavior or habit. What was it that enabled you to make that change?
  • What motivates you?
  • When have you had a true encounter with God? How did that change you?
  • How would you like others to describe you? What needs to change in your life for that to be an accurate description?

Exercise: Clarifying your priorities

Make a list of what you see as your priorities, and write each one on a separate sticky note. Make a list of the ways in which you spend your time, and write each one on a separate sticky note. Now put the notes in two columns on the wall or a whiteboard. How do items in the two lists align? Where do you see connections? What do you need to do more of in order to make your time reflect your priorities? What do you need to do less of?


  • In light of this, what is God asking you to do?
  • How will you do this?
  • When will you do this?
  • Who will help you?

If you are looking for change that goes beneath the surface and really makes a difference in your life and in the lives of others, you should check out this discipleship guide.

Click here for the 20-page downloadable Personal Transformation discipleship guide.

Click here to browse the selection of the rest of the discipleship guides.

Purchase our latest book: “The Discipleship Difference: Making Disciples While Growing As Disciples”