A couple of weeks ago I recorded a few episodes of the New Churches Q&A Podcast. Originally, it was to promote The Church Planting Journey, but then Covid-19 hit. We quickly decided the first episode in the series would address leadership in times of crisis. As the podcast progressed, Daniel Im brought up how churches are finding ministering to children difficult with the social distancing restrictions. In the kind of wild coincidence that God often orchestrates, I had been thinking about this very thing.

Simple but powerful discipleship for the children in your life

Janet Logan, who has written widely for years on the topic of the spiritual formation of children, was just completing a resource addressing precisely this issue.  Kids & God @Home is a series of 52 brief entries—one for each week of the year—including a key question, a scripture passage, and a few thoughts that can form the basis of a simple discipling conversation between a parent and child. 

Janet is not a proponent of downloading a bunch of information to be learned, but rather of asking good questions, listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit working in someone else, and then drawing that out.

Kids & God @Home, a FREE resource that can forms the basis of simple discipling conversations between a parent and child. Share on X

A FREE Resource for Churches and Parents

Because of her heart to help people shepherd others, Janet has made this new resource available online for FREE. Churches are free to download and share Kids & God @Home with parents, grandparents, or anyone with a heart to help kids take their next step toward Jesus. Parents are also free to download this practical tool directly.

Use these simple conversation starters to engage in real, two-way dialogue with children… listening and learning as they hear what God has put on the hearts of the kids in their lives. We have time and opportunity to engage in spiritual development within our families. Let’s seize the day and see God move.

Click HERE to download

Other Resources:

New Churches Q&A Podcast- Here is the podcast on leading in times of crisis that was mentioned above. I will also be talking about Church Planting and Ministry Coaching on the Q&A Podcast in the coming weeks!

Child-Centered Spirituality- by Janet Logan. Faith is a weighty topic. It can be intimidating for a lot of people, let alone parents trying to engage with their kids on the subject. This book is written to help parents—and anyone with children in their lives—talk to about God and faith.

Photo by Samantha Sophia on Unsplash