What’s in a name? Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet? I’ve traveled a lot in my time and I’ve been keeping a list of my favorite church names. Thought I’d share them with you this Friday. I saved my favorite for last. Enjoy!
Accident Baptist Church
Scum of the Earth (Denver, CO)
Light of the World Baptist Christian Disciples of Christ (South Carolina)
First Church of the Last Chance World on Fire Revival and Military Academy (Dade City, FL)
Ryot (pronounced Riot) Church of the Nazarene (PA)
Free Church Of God In Christ In Jesus Name
King’s Chapel Altar Of Prayer Temple
Prayer House Sanctuary Church Of God In Christ
Holy Ghost Baptist Church Of Miracles , Inc.
Little Flock Baptist Church (7 people) MO near Jefferson City
St. Mary’s Baptist Church Athens, GA
Greater Second Baptist Church Chattanooga, TN
Halfway Baptist Church
Useful Baptist Church (no longer active, but an antique store)
Hell Hole Swamp Baptist Church, South Carolina
Faith Free Lutheran
Little Hope Baptist Church
Boring Seventh Day Adventist, Pastor Elder Dull
Harmony Baptist Church (East Texas); 1/2 mile away is Harmony Baptist Church #2
Logan Uniting Church
Battle Ground Baptist Church
The Big Apple Chapel
Martyr’s Memorial Fundamental Baptist Church (Newbury Park)
Waterproof Baptist Church, Louisiana
Why Not Wesleyan Church, North Carolina
No Hope United Methodist Church, Mississippi
Country Club Christian Church, Kansas City
James Bond United Community Church, Toronto
First United Separated Baptist Church, Indiana
Hell For Certain, Kentucky
No-Name-Yet Presbyterian Church (Smyma, TN)
The Happy Church (Denver, CO)
Thank You Church – Japan (Arigato Kyokai)
New Paradigm Christian Church: “Not the church you grew up in.” (Indianapolis, IN)
The King’s Dome (near Portland OR, in Washington State)
Hell Seventh Day Adventist (Hell, MI)
St. Martini Lutheran Church (Milwaukee, WI)
Lover’s Lane Episcopal Church
House of Joy Miracle Deliverance Church
And my all-time favorite…. Original Church of God, Number 2