The Bible never commands us to coach. In fact, the word coach is never used. So why coach? Should we even coach? Is coaching biblical?

The Bible does command us to do certain things: to make disciples, to encourage one another, to listen to the Holy Spirit, to follow what we sense God is calling us to do. Yet in most cases it never tells us how. How are we to make disciples? Is one method right and another wrong?

Certainly there are some methods that are wrong, all the way from forced discipleship to non-relational discipleship. But generally speaking, God leaves the methodology up to us. Any method that is consistent with the general principles of scripture may be used, provided the end is a biblical one.

Coaching is one such method—and in this case a method that is incredibly consistent with biblical principles. Stay tuned over the next few days as I write more about specific ways coaching aligns with what we read in the Bible.

Pick up the free downloadable resource “Biblical basis of coaching” on the Logan Leadership website.