Among people who indicate receptivity to missional living, some will be willing to go the extra mile in living it out. Look for those who “get” missional living and are willing to take risks, even if they’re not great at it.

These are the people you need to be investing in through coaching, discipling, or mentoring. Taking a peer approach to coaching can be especially helpful. Coaching is just coming alongside people and listening and asking where God wants you to go next. Simple coaching questions include:


  • Where are you now?
  • Where do you sense God tugging on your heart lately?
  • Where does God want you to go?
  • What actions might God be leading you toward?
  • What are the next steps you can take?

It’s amazing what can happen if we just take the time to slow down and reflect with people, to think about what God is up to then take one further step that makes it just a little more intentional. There’s so much joy when you come alongside others to help them process those ah-ha moments of realization and then help them follow through.