Experiencing God for… Skeptics? 

Experiencing God for… Skeptics? 

Is there room for skeptics in your congregation? Thomas (the disciple) gets a bad rap to this day and to be called a “Doubting Thomas” is considered an insult. Yet if you look at it from a learning styles standpoint, you will recognize that a great deal of the world...
Six Steps to Make and Multiply Disciples

Six Steps to Make and Multiply Disciples

What is your mission statement? It may be worded differently or expressed differently or put forth with a unique emphasis, but the basic mission of any Christian church is always the same: to make disciples. After all, that’s what Jesus left us to do:  Then Jesus came...
Transforming prayer in your church

Transforming prayer in your church

Have you ever felt uncomfortable praying? It’s pretty common. That can show itself in hesitance to pray aloud in a small group or even the fear of praying “wrong” in private prayer. Many people feel there is a code to prayer that they have not been able to break.  As...
The tension between grace and obedience

The tension between grace and obedience

Having experienced the grace and mercy of God, you in turn want to obey God and live within biblical instruction for you trust that God’s plan is good. Hidden in that statement is a tension between grace and obedience. It is by grace you were saved, now go and obey....