A blog reader recently asked me that question. Jesus told his disciples to watch him and live as he lived. We are all to imitate Christ. So what does that mean?   We are to wear first century clothes?   Eat first century food?  Likely not. Maybe it’s just about the spiritual and relational parts. We are to speak outside the temples and at the festivals?  We are to seek out lepers?

The key in living like Jesus lived is not just imitating his exact words or actions, but living out the principles beneath them. Wherever in scripture we see Jesus doing something, we can ask ourselves what the underlying principles. He reached out to a leper and healed him. The principle there would be to associate ourselves with those society shuns or ignores, and to help them in whatever ways we can. Sometimes that’s physical, sometimes it’s spiritual. They—and we—are in need of spiritual renovation and transformation.

We follow a God who spoke to the Samaritan woman, called common fisherman to be his disciples, challenged the religious practices of the day. In each case, we need to discover the underlying principles and act accordingly. That is how Jesus wanted us to live.

How can you live like Jesus this week?