Catch the next Cultivating Missional Movements Workshop

Catch the next Cultivating Missional Movements Workshop

Have you caught the vision for The Missional Journey?  If you’re ready for some serious help on implementing incarnational, missional ministry, come to the Cultivating Missional Movements Workshop, presented by Bob Logan and Dave DeVries. 1 ½ day open event November...

How do you get from coaching to a missional movement?

Like peanut butter and chocolate, some things are just better together. Coaching and missional movements are like that. You understand the value of coaching. You want to cultivate a missional movement. But what happens when you put those two things together? That’s...

Figuring out your starting point

Before you know what you need to do in order to get where you want to go, you need to figure out where you are. It’s like being in a mall and looking on the directory for the “you are here” tab. You have to know where you currently are to even have a starting point....
The Cultivating Missional Movements Workshop

The Cultivating Missional Movements Workshop

Have you caught the vision for The Missional Journey?  If you’re ready for some serious help on implementing incarnational, missional ministry, come to the Cultivating Missional Movements Workshop, presented by Bob Logan and Dave DeVries. 1 ½ day open event June...

Can we questions

I first learned about the use of “can we” questions when I was doing a few days of speaking in Australia. I was working with a gathering of leaders on developing multiplication movements. One group brought their entire team from across the country– 15 leaders...

The Power of Missio Intensives

I just came back from Missio Intensives in Atlanta, GA and Ashland, OH and wanted to share some reflections with you. The way the Intensive is structured says a lot: there are presentations of no more than 15 to 30 minutes, each one followed by a time for teams to...

Two Missio Intensives coming up this fall

Looking for a safe place to engage in honest dialogue about moving your church in missional directions?  Check out one of the Missio Intensives. Far from a talking head conference, Missio Intensives build in time for dialogue, questions, processing what you’re...