Getting it done and thriving aren’t the same

Getting it done and thriving aren’t the same

 With more than ¾ through the year complete you’ve had your fair share of events. From Easter to VBS, Bible Studies to Sermon Series you didn’t do it on your own. There are a host of people that help ministry happen. How are those folks doing? Are your people...

How can I find more volunteers? 

Even in its simplest form, churches need to get certain tasks accomplished. Whether it’s greeting people warmly, setting up chairs, providing food, or any number of other practical matters, you need volunteers. The church is a volunteer-based organization. We all need...

Sheep or shepherds?

One of the major challenges in ministry is turning volunteers into leaders. You don’t just want people filling needed slots—although that’s one piece of the puzzle. You want to develop each individual: as a person, as a disciple, and as a leader. Ultimately, you are...

Summers off for children’s ministry?

When I was a pastor, I would track our growth. Historically, the increase of adult attendance would track alongside the increase of children’s attendance. They would run in parallel to each other. Then I noticed that trend diverging. Children’s attendance...

Check your vital signs

In medicine vital signs are key indicators of health. They readily provide a red flag for various types of problems—pulse, respiration, blood pressure, body temperature. What are the vital signs for your ministry? Most ministries have financial vital signs. That...

The value of selectivity

Almost always, when volunteer-based ministries are formed, we say to the Lord, “We’ll take anyone you bring us.” Then whoever shows up is automatically a part of the team. At that point, we stop searching for new team members and start using whoever we’ve got to try...