Consumerism in the Church

Consumerism in the Church

You’ve heard the complaints about consumer congregations. The statistic has almost become cliche—20% doing 80% of the work. But there is another form of consumerism in the church that may even be worsening the problem, possibly even a root of it. Consumer...
Recovering from Vision Drift

Recovering from Vision Drift

It happens despite your best efforts and no one is immune: Vision Drift. If you spend any length of time in real-life ministry, you’ll understand the tyranny of the urgent, the fires that do need to be put out, and how easy it is to get sidetracked when there are so...

2022 Vision for Logan Leadership

I love January. Every year between Christmas and New Year’s I spend some time thinking about the future. I used to make lots of plans during this time. I still make some plans, but even more than that, I now spend a lot of time in listening prayer. What does God have...
Visionizing capacity: not just a dreamer

Visionizing capacity: not just a dreamer

An essential quality for church planters is that he or she has a visionizing capacity. This doesn’t just mean having dreams. There are lots of dreamers. But a church planter has the dream and gets others to buy in and live it out. It means taking the dream and...
Starting with the roots in church planting: values

Starting with the roots in church planting: values

Note: This blog entry is excerpted and adapted from my upcoming book, tentatively titled The Church Planting Journey. We’ll be posting excerpts about once a month here and we’d love to hear feedback from you. We hope you are getting as excited about it as...
Resisting the silo effect: shared vision and goals

Resisting the silo effect: shared vision and goals

We’ve all seen examples of what’s commonly known as “the silo effect:” The music ministry thinking only about their productions without reference to how that connects to the overall ministry of the church. The youth pastor deciding that the main goals are more kids...

Bifocal vision

I received a significant insight just as I was entering midlife. I had gone in to see the eye doctor for a routine vision checkup. He said, “Bob, I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is your eyes are in great condition. The bad news is that in a...

The vision and the need

When we really take the time to sit down and think about it, we can see an amazing vision of what making and multiplying disciples could look like: Churches turning outward and serving the communities around them. Christians building authentic relationships with those...