
In my work in recovery circles, one common slogan I’ve heard quite a lot is, “Don’t give up before the miracle happens, stick to it.” I think it applies just as well to church planters and ministry leaders. We want to give up. Often we quit before they get to the...

Perseverance and implementation

Don’t wait on making disciples… start now. So something. Seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus, raising up others. In tandem with our own development, becoming like Jesus, we also reach out and become part of the mandate of Jesus. Who can you start influencing? Who...

Great TED Talk on Grit

  I ran across this TED Talk by Angela Lee Duckworth recently about the value of “grit”– what followers of Jesus might term “perseverance.” It was a great talk, geared mainly toward educational settings, about how important this quality of “grit” is to...