Church Planting, Missional, Outreach
Last week, I shared my conversation with Peyton Jones about his new book, Church Plantology. If you missed it, you can listen in HERE. This week, Peyton is sharing an excerpt from his book with us that surrounds modern church planting and some great...
Discipleship, Leadership, Uncategorized
There’s a good chance you are struggling with anger right about now. The state of the world has left people anxious, frustrated, hurt, and scared… all of which seem to birth anger. Even if you aren’t finding yourself short tempered, it is likely that...
Leadership, Uncategorized, Visionizing
Guest blog by Rev. Dr. Adam T. Trambley. Adam brings a wealth of knowledge and encouragement from his own discovery journey in learning how preaching transforms congregations. This is part 2 of 2 where Adam lays out four steps to a long-term sermon. In yesterday’s...