Reflections on 2020

Reflections on 2020

As has been my consistent practice for many years now, I close out the old year by reflecting on what God has done and what we can learn from this last year’s experiences. Here are my reflections on 2020… The 2020 “Pivot” COVID certainly created...

Lessons from Covid-19

The following post is authored by Chad Farrand. Chad and his wife, Melody are from Orlando FL. They have three daughters. Haruka, lives in Tokyo, Japan. Kailey and Molly are in Michigan. Chad has been a pastor for over 20 years serving as a youth pastor, discipleship...

Broadening our definition of worship

In times of Covid, we cannot engage in congregational singing, long a staple of corporate worship. So let’s think creatively. What else can we do to usher ourselves into the presence of God? How can we experience him and praise him? Nature sings I once took a group of...

Journey toward a new beginning: How can we adapt worship?

There is no way around it. Taking a traditional large church service and doing precisely the same thing in a small group just feels strange.  A twenty-minute sermon in a living room or backyard? Congregational singing? Much of what we have been doing for worship for...