Chuck Ridley on Creating Ownership of Ministry

My friend and colleague in ministry Chuck Ridley recently posted some thoughts on creating ownership of ministry on  He observes that this is one of the most significant weaknesses many church planters face.  Definitely worth checking out the...

Is it catching?

Craig Whitney of ELI Church Planting talks about the role of relational evangelism in planter effectiveness:  “One of the four characteristics the ELI measures [in church planters] is relational evangelism. One of the things we asked in our research was what...

Leadership farm systems—it’s what’s missing

Over my years in ministry, I’ve recommended many different structures be put into place to help us grow and multiply healthy churches:  coaching systems, church planter training and assessment, networks/cohorts of people in similar ministry roles. Those have yielded...

Why church planters need theology

If you know me, you’re probably surprised by this title. I’m not generally a big proponent of systematic theology or theological hairsplitting. My eschatology can be summed up with “Jesus is coming back,” because that’s about all I know for sure. However, I do believe...