Finding the balance: both relational and productive

Finding the balance: both relational and productive

Finding the balance isn’t always easy. Healthy teams know how to have fun together as well as getting the job done. They take time to pray together and play together, but also make sure the task gets done. Achieving that balance requires compatibility over the...

Hands, heart, head

When we approach discipleship, we often approach it from a skewed viewpoint: hands, heart or head… but not all three combined. The “head only” approach has been popular for many years now. Teach them. Give them knowledge. Instill in them new facts....

Balance and a full range of motion

I’ve found that people in the physical therapy field are fond of saying, “Strength is not enough– balance is also important.” Sometimes football players are incredibly strong but their balance is terrible. They need both of those to do their jobs– and all...

When you see someone off balance

When you are in the role of a pastor/shepherd, and you see someone off-balance in their life, how directive should you be? This is an issue I am continuing to think through. I’ve realized that as I decide when to step in and when to step back, I’m operating...