Primal Fire by Neil Cole

Primal Fire by Neil Cole

Neil Cole has a new book out and I just finished reading it. I’ve already highlighted two books (one by Alan Hirsch and one by JR Woodward) on this blog that address the APEST model of leadership– apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd, teacher– and now...

Teacher: Who you are is how you plant

There’s more than one way to plant a church, and a lot of that is determined by the giftedness and calling of the leader. This week we’ll be looking at the five different types of church leaders—Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher—and what each of them...

Shepherd: Who you are is how you plant

There’s more than one way to plant a church, and a lot of that is determined by the giftedness and calling of the leader. This week we’ll be looking at the five different types of church leaders—Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher—and what each of them...

Evangelist: Who you are is how you plant

There’s more than one way to plant a church, and a lot of that is determined by the giftedness and calling of the leader. This week we’ll be looking at the five different types of church leaders—Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher—and what each of them...

Prophet: Who you are is how you plant

There’s more than one way to plant a church, and a lot of that is determined by the giftedness and calling of the leader. This week we’ll be looking at the five different types of church leaders—Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher—and what each of them...

Apostle: Who you are is how you plant

There’s more than one way to plant a church, and a lot of that is determined by the giftedness and calling of the leader. This week we’ll be looking at the five different types of church leaders—Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher—and what each of them...