Effective Delegation Storyboard


This storyboard looks at the process of identifying the need for assistance and at how effective delegation should ideally be organized and managed.


People often make the mistake of seeing delegation as being only something that can be done by people with direct authority over those working for them. In fact, delegation is more often an individual skill to determine the best way to handle a project or a task and discover the most optimal way in which to solicit help from others, where appropriate. This storyboard looks at this process of identifying the need for assistance and at how entrusting other people with tasks should ideally be organized and managed. To help do this, the storyboard uses the four step continuous learning cycle of UNDERSTAND, PLAN, EXECUTE and REVIEW.

Other helpful resources in this area include the Effective Delegation Coaching Guide and Storyboard and the Effective Delegation Skill Builders Booklet.


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