A church in Denver recently did a Kids4Kits fun run. Denver Presbyterian Church held a kids’ race in a local park to raise money for medical supplies to build caregiver kits to help those affected by AIDS. (Details available through World Vision.) A couple of weeks later, the supplies came in and the kids had an assembly party where they put the kits together and wrote notes of encouragement to the caregivers who would be using the kits overseas.

Want to know the big surprise? Over 35% of the people who registered for the fun run were not from the church but from the community, many without any church ties. This is the second year Denver Presbyterian Church– a church of about 250 people– has done the fun run and kit assembly, and participation from outside the church was much larger this year (the first year was about 5% as the event was new). They believe that in subsequent years the percentage of participants outside their church will increase significantly.

People want to serve. People want to teach their children to serve. How can we give them opportunities?