Get Off Your Donkey!: Help Somebody and Help Yourself is a GREAT new book by Reggie McNeal. Centered on the story of the good Samaritan, this is a book you can put in the hands of your people to help them see outside themselves and realize that they really can make a difference. One simple example: there’s no reason why any kid should be unable to read. There are enough people to solve the literacy issue for anyone who wants to learn.

Get Off Your Donkey is very motivational and practical. It addresses the blockages for why we don’t do what we are called to do, and there’s a very strong section toward the end on how you can grow and develop. With these two sections, the book really hits both the motivational and the developmental blockages.

Excellently written in a popular, accessible style, Get Off Your Donkey comes with my high recommendation. By the way, I love the way the title came about… and yes, the pun is intended.