
It was great to reconnect with my friend Neil Cole at a conference we were both speaking at.  Neil and I have partnered together on various projects in the past, and it’s exciting to see how God is continuing to work through his ministry.  He has kept his focus on this grassroots, bottom up type of leadership development, and that’s always been one of Neil’s great strengths:  staying faithful and focused, keeping the main thing the main thing.

Neil just came out with a new book, which is really good:  Journeys to Significance. He has basically charted a leadership course based on the life of the Apostle Paul.  The book traces through how Paul’s ministry changed over time and how he learned from each of his missionary journeys.  If you’re interested in some fresh reflections on the book of Acts from someone deeply involved in the incarnational, missional world, check out Journeys to Significance.

You can also find out more about Neil Cole’s ministry at Church Multiplication Associates.