I often tell people that consulting provides breakthroughs and coaching provides follow through. Right now in your ministry, which is more important? Which would help you most– a breakthrough? Or some much-needed follow through on ideas, dreams or plans you already have?
In some cases, you just need to see the situation with outside eyes. In others, you know what needs to be done, but an outside voice can help. Other times you have a lot of clarity, but you just need coaching to help you navigate it. Sometimes it’s a combination of consulting for breakthrough and coaching for follow through.
I too am putting my focus and energies into raising up leaders from those not yet following Jesus. Less on organization, more on building people. Your new church plant encourages me. The world, the flesh, and the devil would distract me in one of two directions. Either looking to evangelize larger numbers or to build kingdom through building an organization. While both are necessary, keeping disciple making the one central and non-negotiable thing, I trust church will happen and disciples will be multiplied. My greatest need at the time is for accountability along the lines of your coaching questions. Thanks, Bob. I trust this blog will become a helpful connecting point for many of us.