Strengthening the Church
Growth of the Body of Christ
If you are leading an organization, you know how much work goes into making sure it’s running smoothly and functionally. We can help you cast vision, facilitate communication, develop your team, and ensure that everyone is making their best contribution to the whole.
We can also help you shift gears as your church or ministry grows. Often what brought you success at one stage of development is not the same thing that will bring you success at the next stage. Just like people, organizations need to adapt and change as they grow. Gear-shifting is essential for going on to the next phase.
I’m betting you’d like more and better leaders
Is your leadership team all that it can be? Developing more and better leaders takes time and energy but your effort could potentially be rewarded tenfold. This series of blog entries covers the ten essential dynamics that allow a church to grow in ways that are...
A Coaching Culture Can Transform Your Ministry
If you have experienced a dynamic coaching relationship, you can point to the impact it has had on your life. Coaches come alongside others to help them create clear pathways toward their goals. Cultivating a coaching culture within your ministry is an effective...