Note: This blog entry is part of a series on church planting. If you would like to see all entries that have been posted so far in this series, you can bring them up by doing a search for “church planting series” on this blog. You can also purchase the full 27 page Church Planter Coaching Guide, with multiple coaching questions for each subpoint, in the Logan Leadership store

  • In what places will worship take place?
  • How can you foster an environment where a variety of moods can be expressed?
  • How will creativity in worship be released?
  • How could authentic worship be expressed in your ministry?
  • Describe your plan for worship.
  • In a series of bullet points, write out the immediate action steps you’ll take to better gather for inspiring worship.

Model a lifestyle of worship

Worship is by no means a weekly or a monthly event. It is a lifestyle. Romans 12:1 says: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship” (NIV). Set aside time for personal worship. Prayer and worship can feel like a waste of time when items of business are pressing. Making worship a priority in your schedule will not only ensure there is time for worship; it will also begin to transform you as you guard your time with the Lord. If your own personal worship lacks depth and significance in your life, you will be unable to lead others into the presence of God.

Clarify your worship philosophy

Worship is often based on the environment you’re in. For example, if you are outdoors, God’s own creation is brought into the worship. If you are in a house church setting, the worship becomes more intimately focused. It’s important to think through what you’re trying to accomplish in worship. Perhaps you want to create a mood of celebration. Perhaps you want to create an environment where it’s safe to confess sins. Perhaps you want to incorporate others’ spiritual giftedness. How does your plan invite the work of the Holy Spirit?

Create an authentic environment

Church services aren’t meant to be somber, boring events. And they’re not meant to be shows, either. Worship is not about music or drama or preaching, it is about glorifying God and responding to his calling through repentance and sacrifice. Authenticity is what creates a dynamic worship experience. Incorporate all of the senses. Many people are non-auditory worshipers. Elements in worship might include: pictures, dance, banners, tastes, music, poetry, fragrance.

Train and resource worship facilitators

The worship team plays three important leadership roles:

  • Prompting: helping people engage in worship
  • Modeling: providing example for others as they worship
  • Facilitating: allowing the Holy Spirit to guide the worship experience

Some issues to discuss with your worship leaders include personal preparation, confidence and humility, musicality, and connection with the message. If worship leaders portray themselves as superstars, the focus is often drawn away from God.

Release creativity in worship

Imitating God with creation is a powerful way to worship. Without creativity, the worship becomes dull and routine. There is a certain value in repetition and ritual, but creativity is also important for inspiring people. Think outside of the box.