Q&A from Tuesday’s webinar

Earlier this week we had a webinar on “Getting your ministry moving in a missional direction.” Here are some of the questions I received during the Q&A time, along with some of my thoughts in response: Q:  I have a new parish I’ve recently taken on. If I’m...
The Power of Missio Intensives

The Power of Missio Intensives

I just came back from Missio Intensives in Atlanta, GA and Ashland, OH and wanted to share some reflections with you. The way the Intensive is structured says a lot: there are presentations of no more than 15 to 30 minutes, each one followed by a time for teams to...

Thy Kingdom Come

What will the Kingdom of God look like when it comes in all its fullness? For that we must look to the Book of Revelation: no more sin, no more brokenness, no more crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. The Kingdom of God anticipates the new...

The Kingdom of God

The fact that Jesus chose to explain the Kingdom of God in parables and stories demonstrates its inherent mystery. The Kingdom of God is hard to describe, hard to pin down, hard to quantify. The content of these stories—a mustard seed that starts out tiny and grows to...
Brokenness in the 2/3 world church

Brokenness in the 2/3 world church

This blog entry, by guest blogger Jean-Luc Krieg, continues from yesterday’s entry. While we will discover much sacrificial faith, vibrant dedication to the cause, and sincere dependence on God’s powerful intervention in the 2/3 world,  and while we are seeing an...

Challenges for the American Church

This blog entry, by guest blogger Jean-Luc Krieg, continues from yesterday’s entry. In a generalized way, it seems to me that much of Christianity in America has been domesticated and church has become a fine-tuned machine with well-polished religious products...