Help your staff members keep growing

I remember many years ago meeting a very sharp assistant pastor. He was young, but came into his role with a great deal of energy and potential. He was functioning well in his current role, so the senior pastor was pleased. However, the senior pastor made an important...
The unintentional interim

The unintentional interim

In Lyle Schaller’s classic book Survival Tactics in the Parish, he writes about the next pastor that follows a long-term pastor. That next pastor, even if they don’t call him an interim, is an interim. The only question is whether he will succeed himself and...
The berry bucket theory

The berry bucket theory

The berry bucket is a theory I’ve had for many years. Carl George wrote a whole chapter on it in our old book Leading and Managing Your Church, which you can pick up for a song now on Amazon, seeing as it’s out of print. But I’ve recently found that the berry bucket...

Pastoral Selection Key #3: Behavioral interviewing

“So how do you bring about conflict resolution?” asks the interviewer. “First, I believe any conflict resolution needs to be grounded in Matthew 18. That’s essential. From there, when a grievance is brought, I clarify to make sure there aren’t any misunderstandings,...