Complementary strengths

Great teams absolutely require complementary strengths. They’re not productive if everyone is alike: you’ll get the same great strengths coupled with the same weaknesses. Like a good marriage, you need enough differences to give you the right kind of chemistry and...

Alignment with how God has made you

Yesterday I wrote about how you need to be spending at least 60% of your time in areas of strength and passion. But what if you’re not sure exactly what those areas are? I believe that every five years or so, we need to spend some time reflecting on how God has made...

Are you giving it your 60%?

When I’m coaching people and they’re not feeling fulfillment in what they’re doing, I usually find that less than 60% of what they’re doing is in their areas of strength and passion. For basic fulfillment in your life and ministry, you need to be spending at least 60%...