
  A few weeks ago I heard someone use this phrase: carefrontation. It’s apparently an amalgam of caring and confrontation. Usually when we hear the word confrontation, caring seems like an antonym. But how can we bring caring about people– truly desiring...

Identifying your spheres of influence

  Consider where God has placed you. Where are you able to serve as the presence of Jesus? Make a list of the people you’re in relationship with that don’t know Jesus. What is your plan to keep those relationships healthy and moving forward? One church planter...

Principle #3: Dwelling among the people

Jesus didn’t teach from afar.  He personally and relationally among the people he ministered to. Some he knew well: He cried with them, laughed with them, ate with them, traveled with them. Sometimes we forget that there were others beyond the twelve disciples who...

Love Others

  Be present with others Share your life with others Be changed by others Loving others—part 2 of the great commandment to “love God and love others.”  They can’t be effectively separated:  If you’re actually loving God, you will be loving others too. What does...