Note:  This is part of a series that started with the March 28 post.

Large churches are like megastores– like a SuperTarget. There’s everything under the sun there. Lots of options. They may not have really niche, artsy items, but you can get all the expected essentials there. If you show up at SuperTarget with a big long list of diverse items: soft scrub, a new toaster, soy milk, cinnamon-flavored frosted mini-wheats… you can reasonably expect it all to be there. That’s the point of SuperTarget. The employees aren’t going to know your name, but it’s not like you’re expecting them to.

A good mega-church can provide a lot of helpful services: singles groups, expansive small groups options, hip youth ministries, large scale service projects, Vacation Bible Schools, counseling centers. A megachurch with strong core values will structure in such a way that allows them to live those values out at a grassroots level.