Managing Poor Performance Storyboard


This storyboard provides some specific guidance on the steps that need to be taken to address poor performance, which follow the four step process of RECOGNIZE, INTERVENE, REVIEW and DECIDE shown in the circles to the right.


At times, an individual’s performance may begin to fall short of expectations, drop below expected standards or in general become unacceptable in some way. They may break a rule or a policy or fail to meet important outcomes. It is imperative to address the unacceptable performance as soon as it becomes apparent, before the situation deteriorates further and the opportunity to address the issue disappears. This storyboard provides some specific guidance on the steps that need to be taken to address poor performance, which follow the four step process of RECOGNIZE, INTERVENE, REVIEW and DECIDE shown in the circles to the right.

Other helpful resources in this area include the Managing Poor Performance Coaching Guide and Storyboard and the Managing Poor Performance Skill Builders Booklet.


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