As I look forward to a new—and hopefully better—year in 2021, I find myself reflecting specifically on the mission of Logan Leadership and how it can best contribute to the Kingdom of God going forward. How are we focusing on the essentials—what’s most important—and what is my specific contribution?

The mission

I periodically revisit the mission statement for my organization, as I find that helpful for refocusing. Logan Leadership is committed to catalyzing strategic change in ministry organizations. Essentially, Logan Leadership was created to help ministries and their leaders become more effective as they seek to accomplish the Great Commission.

The Great Commission is what Jesus left us to do. And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

Logan Leadership’s role is to help ministry leaders do this as well, as effectively, and as completely as possible given the unique context and culture in which God has placed each of them. We are here to help Christian leaders succeed in what God has called them to do.

How do we do that?


One of my favorite things to do is to come alongside leaders and help them actionize their calling. Coaching gives you the follow through you need to accomplish the goals you’ve set for yourself and for your ministry. Here are some areas my coaching clients often want to focus on:

  • Disciplemaking
  • Multiplying groups
  • Developing leaders
  • Strengthening the church
  • Church planting
Coaching gives you the follow through you need to accomplish the goals you’ve set for yourself and for your ministry. Share on X

Consulting differs from coaching in that the leader often needs confirmation of direction or an organization needs structural help. We enter into your ministry situation and contextualize solutions to help you move forward with clear direction and confidence. Some of the areas the Logan Leadership consulting team worked on in 2020 are:

  • Identifying specific Job Profiles to increase reliability in candidate selection
  • Shaping clear and actionable ministry direction
  • Crafting effective bylaws and guiding principles for ministry
  • Restructuring on church and denominational levels
  • Revitalizing teams through guided goal creating and planning
A good consultant enters into your ministry situation and contextualizes solutions to help you move forward with clear direction and confidence. Share on X

This is an area that we are targeting to grow in 2021! Our team has been hard at work developing a website that can catalyze individual and group training through video, interactive exercises, and online meeting space. The first training we plan to roll out will focus on ministry coach training. I am really excited about this. Stay tuned!

Contextualizing the mission

We don’t have a specific approach or resource that we use exclusively. Rather, what I like to do is to create a unique approach for each ministry leader or organization to grow in one or more of these areas. Every situation calls for a slightly different combination and application of resources, and there’s a kind of artistry in figuring out what is needed in each unique context.

I love this work and continue to be grateful that God has called me to it, and I pray that it may serve as a small contribution to the Kingdom of God and to the accomplishment of the Great Commission.


Coaching- Do you have big plans but are struggling to actionize them? Are you having a hard time discerning what is holding your ministry back from its full potential? Dr. Bob Logan is currently taking on new coaching clients! To explore how coaching can help you move forward, click HERE or email to schedule a FREE 30-minute introductory conversation with Dr. Logan TODAY!

Consulting- Feeling the need for change that will catalyze your ministry forward? Experiencing an urgency to set your ministry up for healthy growth? We would love to connect with you to learn more and discuss how Logan Leadership can help! Click HERE or email to schedule a FREE 30-minute introductory conversation with Dr. Logan TODAY!

The Leadership Difference– Have you ever felt like you weren’t fully equipped for your leadership role? If you are running up against barriers that aren’t specifically theological but are more about how to lead people and get along with them as you work together, this book is for you. The Leadership Difference focuses specifically on key leadership skills you need to be effective as a leader.