Every January 1st, you roll out ministry plans and goals with excitement and great expectations. But a lot has happened since then! Maybe you’ve managed to keep the status quo but a wrench or two has been thrown in when it comes to moving your vision forward. There is still time! It’s now halfway through the summer—time for a mid-year goal check! So pull out your original goals for 2024 and use the following questions to guide you in clarifying where you’re at and determining your next best steps toward achieving your goals.

mid year goal check

Step 1: Reflect

Set aside some time to look back on the year thus far. Open up your calendar and examine how you spent your time then answer the following questions:

  • How far have you come on your 2024 goals?
  • What have been your most successful events and initiatives?
  • Which events or initiatives were lackluster?

Step 2: Assess

Now review your stated goals for the year. Keep them in mind as you answer the following questions:

  • How well did each of your events or initiatives contribute to achieving your goals?
  • In what ways do you see God moving in and through your people?
  • What are you learning?

Step 3: Address

After Step 2, you should be able to look at the past 6+ months and identify events that helped move you closer to your goals and times that may have even been a distraction from them. In this step, take time to realign with your goals and consider the various aspects of why some of those events were less than effective. Here are some questions that may be helpful:

  • How can you better partner with what God is doing?
  • What needs to change so you can concentrate on what is most important?
  • How can you better measure qualitative growth?

Step 4: Reset

This is where you reorganize your calendar (or even your church’s calendar) or possibly tweak some future events so that they more closely align with your vision and help you accomplish your goals. Here are some questions that may help:

  • What changes are you making?
  • How can you help people adjust to those changes?
  • Where do you need to focus?
  • What help do you need in order to go strong through the second half of the year?

Feeling Stuck?

Sometimes you can process through questions like these on your own and that is all that is needed to get you back in the game. Other times, it won’t be enough. If you are in a space where you are feeling stuck, it’s time to get a coach. Dr. Bob Logan has a couple of open spots for new coaching clients. If you would like to meet with Bob and learn how coaching can help you accomplish your goals, email admin@loganleadership.com to set up a complimentary 30-minute discussion with Bob.

Photo by Ronnie Overgoor on Unsplash