You have a clear vision and yet you aren’t making as much progress as you’d like. A strategically focused coaching relationship can double or triple your ministry effectiveness. Contact me at [munge] to set up a 30 minute...
I am thankful for so much. I’m thankful for the big and obvious things, like friends, family, and good health. I’m also thankful for the things I take for granted: running water and electricity in my house, enough food to eat and share, and a roof over my head. I’m...
Starting on Monday, there will be a new look and feel to my blog. I’ll be launching a new website here at The blog will be integrated into the website, but I wanted to give you an early heads up in case of any confusion. My hope is that this...
It’s not the kind of thing you want to read over your corn flakes: “1 in 4 Americans can’t think of a recent positive contribution by Christians.” But that’s what was in the paper this morning. Really? Really. I mean, come on—it’s not that hard. Take a meal to someone...
When people want to move toward becoming more incarnational and missional in their ministry, often their chief obstacles are church structures and leadership that is more focused on the institution than on the mission of Jesus. The reality for many of us is: “If I...
When I started ViaCordis, I wrote a letter to my long-time supporters and said, “I’m going to be planting a new church. I’m going to be doing it bivocationally. So I would appreciate your encouragement and your prayers, but please don’t send any more money.”...