There is no denying tensions are high. No one is completely happy with all that is going on in the world, in our country, or even in your own backyard. As a ministry leader, it is your job to bring the focus back to simple truths and onto Jesus. Here is a sermon series that can help you do just that.

Scripture parallels

James sermon series

In many ways, the issues faced in the first century are the same issues we are facing today. Even early on, the temptation was there to hear the Word and not put it into practice. James provides a very practical boots-on-the-ground kind of approach–a real-world way of living into our lives as disciples of Jesus. James, brother of Jesus, tackles some central, jugular issues and provides practical principles for living as real disciples of Jesus. 

Why choose between topical and expositional? This series is–at the same time–an in-depth study of the book of James AND arranged as a topical study of the important themes. The sermons don’t go in exact order of the text, but collect all of the key scripture on that topic together for that week.

Twelve Themes from James

The book of James is largely a study in contrasts. While we believe you know best when it comes to illustrations and action points that will speak to your congregation, we do think these topics are powerful for such a time as this. Here are twelve major themes, each of which can be addressed with the accompanying passages and big ideas: 

  1. Joy and Trials: James 1:2-9, 12. Undergoing adversity is the only way to maturity—and maybe even joy. 
  2. Listening and Speaking: James 1:19-21, 26, 3:1-12. As followers of Jesus, we are called to honor God and others in our communication patterns by being quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. 
  3. Hearing and Doing: James 1:22-25, 27. Our actions show our true beliefs. 
  4. Rich and Poor: James 1:9-11, 2:1-9. The poor are your equals; treat them as such. 
  5. Judgment and Mercy: James 2:8-13. We all stand in need of mercy; therefore, we should also extend mercy. 
  6. Faith and Deeds: James 2:14-26. Your faith is proven and demonstrated by your deeds. 
  7. Humility and Ambition: James 3:13-18. To live a wise life, choose humility over ambition. 
  8. Fighting and Peace: James 4:1-12. Repentance brings peace. 
  9. Today and Tomorrow: James 4:13-17. You are not nearly so in charge as you think you are. Plan accordingly. 
  10. Wealth and Justice: James 5:1-6. Wealth at the expense of others will come under God’s judgment. 
  11. Patience and Complaint: James 5:7-12. How we wait matters: our character is built by small choices over a long time. 
  12. Repentance and Healing: James 5:13-20. Repentance is the way toward healing. 

Need a Coach?

Staying on mission in the midst of upheaval is hard—but not impossible! Honestly, it’s going to take more than a sermon series. Dr. Bob is currently taking on coaching clients who have big vision and are ready to make it happen. Schedule your FREE introductory conversation with Dr. Bob today!

Photo by Fredrik Öhlander on Unsplash