God did not create us to walk through the Christian life alone. We were made to function as part of a team. We each have blind spots. We each need support. Any ministry endeavor will only be as strong as the team that supports it. A team of intercessors should be the first building block of any new ministry.

Recruit your team of intercessors similarly to the way you would recruit a team of financial supporters. Ask individuals who share your vision and are willing to make a solid commitment to support that vision in regular, focused prayer for a limited period of time, like one year.

Your best intercessors will be those with a passion for intercession. But also seek to mobilize a team that reflects a diversity of gifts, skills, personalities, vocations, and other characteristics. Keep a complete listing of both prayer needs and answered prayers, and share a regular report with them. Pray with them regularly but encourage them to pray when you’re not gathered together as well.

The presence of a team of intercessors not only establishes your accountability to the body of Christ but acknowledges that God speaks to us not only through the Word, but through other believers and through prayer.