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A New Kind of Senior Pastor
The church down the street that once had a vibrant ministry is being torn down to build condos. It’s not uncommon these days. Like so many countries before us, the US is rapidly moving toward a Post-Christian Era. What worked before won’t work in the future. A growing...
Who does the work of the church?
In so many Protestant churches today, the expectation is for the work of the ministry to be done by the clergy. The church staff is expected to interpret scriptures, intercede on behalf of the congregation, serve widows and orphans, disciple adults and children alike,...
How to Link Values to Vision and Mission
People agree with your vision and mission in word but getting them to participate, well, that isn’t as easy. Where you spend your time is the embodiment of what is important to you—what you value. Identifying embodied values in yourself and those of your community is...
What is the point of Christian Community?
Across the nation there are thousands of churches that are only remnants of what they once were. Maybe your church is one of them… or will be one day. The faithful few who are left in these communities have something special—each other. They are tight-knit groups, who...
Discerning the Holy Spirit 101
There is something missing. There has to be. Because everything is in place—a strong sermon series, small groups, discipleship and leadership development pathways—but it all lacks… something. You know something is missing because its all just stuck. There is no...
4 Steps to Grow Active Participation
Before walking in your door, people have researched you online, they know the face of your staff members, and they have watched the Sunday service at least once. The website may get them in the door but even with online information and registrations your website is...
Six Steps to Make and Multiply Disciples
What is your mission statement? It may be worded differently or expressed differently or put forth with a unique emphasis, but the basic mission of any Christian church is always the same: to make disciples. After all, that’s what Jesus left us to do: Then Jesus came...
How to stretch your ministry
When you have put an initiative in place, allowed the foundation to set, and put the wheels in motion with others on board to continue moving forward, that usually means it’s time to listen to God and discern what next “one thing” he has for you. That requires...
Start your ministry with confidence
You know where you want to go but the possible roads to get there are innumerable. Where is the best place to start? Philosophy, strategy, targeted marketing, quality programming, numerical goals and benchmarks. All of those are beneficial… but they aren’t the...
Recovering from Vision Drift
It happens despite your best efforts and no one is immune: Vision Drift. If you spend any length of time in real-life ministry, you’ll understand the tyranny of the urgent, the fires that do need to be put out, and how easy it is to get sidetracked when there are so...
Developing Others: The Big Picture
Your congregation is filled with people God wants to use in powerful ways. Sometimes that reality may be hard for you to see from your vantage point, but God brought these particular people to you to nurture and develop holistically for his purpose. But here’s the...
Transforming prayer in your church
Have you ever felt uncomfortable praying? It’s pretty common. That can show itself in hesitance to pray aloud in a small group or even the fear of praying “wrong” in private prayer. Many people feel there is a code to prayer that they have not been able to break. As...