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The surgeon coach

A skilled surgeon operates on many levels at once. She understands how to use each of the instruments and for what purpose. She has mastered certain basic techniques such as making an incision and suturing a wound. But she also needs to be able to see the big picture:...

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Who can help you with that?

This question is one of my new favorites. People almost never ask themselves this question and they’re almost always surprised when someone else asks them. They stop in their tracks, look confused for a second while they shift gears, then start thinking of all kinds...

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By guest blogger Keith Shields Western culture in general has a high degree of emphasis on the individual. Individual rights and values are often allowed to trump societal benefits and norms. Faith, in particular, has become much more about me and my relationship with...

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Coaching too expensive? Try a triad

Plenty of ministry leaders would love a coaching relationship that helps them become more missional and grows them in their calling. But for many newer leaders, coaching can seem financially out of reach. As someone who has a heart for working with younger missional...

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5% of Americans attend a house church

I got away for my birthday, and the USA today paper that was left outside my door at the hotel carried a prominent story about house churches. Seems I can’t get away from the idea wherever I go. One figure particularly surprised me:  5% of Americans attend a house...

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Question #2: What’s missing?

Note: part of a series started April 22nd. The next question my coach asked me—after I had wrestled for a while with “What’s next?”—was “What's missing?” After reflecting on the state of the church in the U.S. I decided my answer was that true leadership development...

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Question #1: What’s next?

Note: part of a series started April 22nd. “What’s next?” It’s a simple question, but one that we need to be asking ourselves on a macro-scale at least once a year. What does God have for me next? How am I to invest my time, resources, and energy? I had two different...

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