The flexibility to change course

On one of Paul’s missionary journeys we was heading into the province of Asia, fully intending to preach the gospel there and plant churches as he had done in other places—a fine goal. But an odd thing happened at the border of Mysia: “They tried to enter Bithynia,...

Webinar: Nonlinear Discipleship

Are you feeling stuck in your discipleship methods? Do you feel like what you’re trying just doesn’t seem to be producing the results you’d hoped for? I’ve got a new webinar coming up that’s geared toward helping find a new approach—nonlinear discipleship. During this...

The big five

If you’re putting together a training system, a coaching structure, a discipleship approach, a leadership development plan—almost anything—there are five core elements you’ll need to put into place to make a truly great system: Keep it focused. Have a clear...