Story of an incarnational missionary

Story of an incarnational missionary

While working full-time, Tony Bleything gathered a strong core of 70 people. He proved himself a capable missionary, gatherer and leader. At the point when he hit 70 people, he realized he could no longer function effectively in a bivocational capacity, but the church...
Funding proven people

Funding proven people

We need to start thinking about funding missional activity in new ways. I’ve already talked about how bivocational missions activity is going to be come more and more the future of the church, in part because the way we’ve traditionally funded church...
Portrait of a bi-vocational ministry leader

Portrait of a bi-vocational ministry leader

Today’s blog entry is by Jeff Logsdon, who is currently transitioning from pastor at The Flipside in Rancho Cucamonga, California to bi-vocational ministry leader in Tucson, Arizona. Another pastor who left his previous employment at Google in order to work for the...
Tent-making discipleship

Tent-making discipleship

When we look at the way the Apostle Paul discipled others, we see him capitalizing on what people are already doing. He shows up where they are: in the temple courts, where the philosophers are debating, in the ports where people are coming and going, where the work...

Sympathetic employers

By guest blogger David Davenport The most critical aspect of bivocational ministry is the day job. Is my employer sympathetic to my call to ministry? How might sympathetic employment work? A business man or manager hires a person who is called to ministry, agreeing...